Health Advisory Council Newsletter | 2016 Q3 | Member Q and A

2016 | Q3 Newsletter | Q & A with Health Advisory Council Member


Colleen CreightonColleen Creighton

Director, Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA) Educational Foundation

Q. Please discuss your work at the CHPA Educational Foundation and how it relates to the overarching mission of the Foundation.

A. It’s an exciting time for the CHPA Educational Foundation. With a new vision, mission, and board of directors in place, in 2015 we launched a full new consumer brand, With our new structure in place, the foundation has now established itself as the trusted source of information on the responsible use, storage, and disposal of consumer healthcare products including over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements. As director of the foundation it’s been wonderful seeing the pieces come together and to see the tremendous growth that has taken place for each of our educational campaigns under the new framework.

Q. How long have you been at the CHPA Educational Foundation, and what do you love most about your job?

A. I have been at the foundation for two years. What I love most is not only are we making a difference in the lives of consumers across the country, but I also get to work with and learn from so many of our incredible organizational partners each day. We also have such a unique blend of board of directors and foundation supporters that are personally and organizationally dedicated to the cause of improving consumer health. CHPA truly feels like a team coming together with a common goal of “Happier Healthier Lives Through Responsible Self-Care.”

Q. What are the biggest challenges and opportunities facing the CHPA Educational Foundation today?

A. With the speed at which the foundation is growing, the current challenge is ensuring we can effectively meet consumer demand. In 2015, we distributed more than 707,000 of our educational materials, engaged more than 800,000 healthcare providers and consumers, collaborated with more than 50 organizational partners, and generated more than 155 million media impressions. So far in 2016 we are on track to surpass last year. While a challenge, it is also an opportunity to engage new partners and supporters to help us reach even more consumers to get them the information they not only want, but need.

Q. What CHPA Educational Foundation initiatives would you like to share with the Council?

A. All the work the foundation is involved in falls under the structural umbrella of use, storage, and disposal of over–the-counter medicines and dietary supplements. Within use, we have our Know your Dose Campaign which educates consumers on acetaminophen safety and Treat With Care which educates parents on the responsible use of pediatric cough and cold products. For storage, we work with the CDC on our Up and Away Campaign which educates consumers on the importance of storing medicines up and away and out of reach of children. We also work to educate consumers on how to dispose of their expired and unwanted over-the-counter medicines. We are always looking to further the reach and impact of our campaigns so if any council members would like further information on any of these campaigns or would like to get involved in any of our outreach and activities, please contact me at

Q. What does the CHPA Educational Foundation value about membership in NCL’s Health Advisory Council?

A. For our foundation, the most valuable aspect of the Health Advisory Council is its membership. From the very first meeting, all the council members have been extremely engaged in sharing information and opening doors for collaboration. Thanks to this council we have been able to increase distribution of our medicine disposal posters, add partners to our campaigns, and expand the reach of our educational messaging. We are looking forward to remaining involved in the council for many more years.